We've been hard at work making every aspect of the mymind.com experience better, smoother, faster and lovelier.
How tired are we collectively about AI? Are we over it yet? Can you even hear about it anymore? I'm sorry if you can't, because this essay will be entirely about it.
As a creative, your repertoire is your secret weapon.
I wrote about inspiration before. It's a fascinating topic to me personally. In fact, it's on my mind almost every day. As creatives, its the fuel that powers us through our days, and we are all painfully aware how it feels on those days when inspiration
First and foremost I am a designer. By trade and at heart.
Design is often taught as a set of rigid rules. And in principle, it makes sense. We may call them "rules" but perhaps it's better to call them fundamentals.
Stop reading right now if you’re looking for feel-good advice. This is not going to be that kind of article.
The new HOVS (House of van Schneider) aka my personal (studio) website, is finally LIVE!
After at least a year of talking about it, my new website is launching. One of the sub-pages will be dedicated entirely to my favorite reading recommendations.
I am sure you know this feeling. You find a new book that you absolutely love. A new movie, a new TV series or even a new hobby such as cycling or designing. It can be anything and everything.
I started my design career by accident and never enjoyed a classical educational foundation in anything I'm doing professionally. As a result, my approach always had a bit more of a "punk" approach.
Semplice Supply
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